What is Play Therapy?
Benefits of Play Therapy
Play is a fundamental aspect of child development and nurtures creativity, social skills, and cognitive functioning. Through play, kids can explore their interests, experiment with ideas, and learn to navigate the complexities of the world around them. Productive play is a vital component of a holistic approach to learning and development. In session, the play therapist utilizes a thoughtful, tailored process that intermittently guides and follows the child to gain insight into their world and to provide targeted support.
Play therapy promotes the following:
Trust: Young children often connect and communicate best through play, and curated toys and activities allow the therapist to cultivate a therapeutic alliance with the child.
Emotional Regulation: Play offers a safe way for kids to explore and express emotions without social consequences. This allows children to work through difficulties and develop the self-efficacy required to soothe themselves in times of distress.
Cognitive Development: Play provides opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and problem-solving. This type of play promotes the development of spatial awareness, creative reasoning, and abstract thinking.
Self-Expression: Kids often have difficulty verbalizing their thoughts and feelings, but with play they can explore their emotions and experiences through a safe and familiar medium.
Behavioral Rehearsal: Play allows kids to “practice” and “experience” different social, emotional, or environmental situations without repercussions. Behavioral rehearsal prepares them for future experiences and builds resilience. Preparedness in kids (and adults!) contributes to overall well-being and can significantly reduce dysregulated or antisocial feelings and behaviors.
Experience Processing: For children who have experienced trauma or adverse experiences, play therapy can provide a safe space for them to process and make sense of their circumstances.
Is Play Therapy right for my child?
Play therapy can be used to remediate behavior, treat symptoms, and support development. It is a versatile therapeutic approach that has been shown to be especially effective for kids experiencing symptoms related to:
Dysregulated Emotions
Social Concerns
Young Children
Best Play Therapy Toys and Materials
Explore our full list of recommended toys and materials:
CLICK HERE to learn more about productive play.
Play Therapy Credentials - Association for Play Therapy. (n.d.). https://www.a4pt.org/page/CredentialsInfo
Play therapy for a child in the hospital. (n.d.). https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/health-library/play-therapy-for-a-child-in-the-hospital
Κουκουρίκος, Κ., Tsaloglidou, A., Tzeha, L., Iliadis, C., Frantzana, A., Katsimbeli, A., & Kourkouta, L. (2021). An overview of play therapy. Materia Socio-medica, 33(4), 293. https://doi.org/10.5455/msm.2021.33.293-297