Bibliotherapy for Anxiety

Bibliotherapy for Anxiety

One of the best ways to tame childhood anxiety is to demystify it. Explore the feelings, triggers, behaviors, and outcomes of anxiety through targeted story books and conversation, or bibliotherapy. Learn more and explore our recommended children’s books about anxiety.

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3 Empathy-Building Activities for Kids

3 Empathy-Building Activities for Kids

By regularly practicing empathy, children learn to recognize unique perspectives and exercise compassion for themselves and others. Empathy allows kids to navigate difficult situations, support others (and themselves) in need, and recover from setbacks. Empathy is a key component of resilience and a growth mindset—learn how to nurture it through 3 simple activities!

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Parenting Styles: Explained

Parenting Styles: Explained

Parenting styles are often categorized into four main types based on the work of psychologist Diana Baumrind: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and disengaged. These styles reflect different approaches to parenting and have varying impacts on a child's development. Read on to learn about the different styles and print our free Parenting Styles Infographic.

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Oobleck and Transformative Nature

Oobleck and Transformative Nature

Oobleck is a fun and easy demonstration of a non-Newtonian fluid. Non-Newtonian fluids are kind of like us—their behavior is variable depending on stress! This hands-on sensorial experiment can help kids understand that stress (anxiety, frustration, disappointment, failure, anger) can change our behavior.

Read on to learn how to make Oobleck and how to talk to kids about transformative nature.

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How to Talk with Teenagers

How to Talk with Teenagers

Effective communication during adolescence builds mutual trust, understanding, and respect. This kind of communication allows parents to better recognize cues and attend to the needs of their teenager. Learn more about parent-teen communication and checkout our free conversation starters for teens!

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Reinforcement: Positive & Negative

Reinforcement: Positive & Negative

Both positive and negative reinforcement can be effective ways to shape and encourage favorable behavior, but understanding how to use reinforcement to support healthy growth and development is key! Read on to learn about what reinforcement is, common misconceptions about reinforcement, and how to use reinforcement at home or in the classroom!

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Quiet Coping Skills

Quiet Coping Skills

Quiet Coping Skills are subtle but effective ways to privately regulate emotions without attracting scrutiny from others. These techniques aim to interrupt overwhelming feelings by focusing on specific physical tasks and simple mantras.

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Childhood Perfectionism

Childhood Perfectionism

A perfectionist aims for the ideal version of a pursuit and has disproportionate feelings of disappointment if they fail to reach their goal. Perfectionism can have many roots, but it is generally tied to a person’s perception of their self-worth.

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Counseling Games for Kids

Counseling Games for Kids

Cooperative games help kids learn the significance of collaboration, integrity, and respect. Through shared objectives and collective problem-solving, kids build interpersonal skills while exercising ethical conduct and resilience. Read on for tips on how to foster positive sportsmanship through a social-emotional learning lens.

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Art Therapy with Kids: Ideas
Parents, Therapists, Child Therapy, Art Therapy Katherine Milani Parents, Therapists, Child Therapy, Art Therapy Katherine Milani

Art Therapy with Kids: Ideas

Art therapy empowers children to develop coping skills, build self-esteem, and find healing by using creativity as a means to communicate thoughts and emotions that words alone cannot express. Explore our art therapy prompts, ideas, and activities, and check out our recommended materials for art therapy with kids!

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Child Therapy FAQ
Child Therapy, Infographics, Parents, Therapists Katherine Milani Child Therapy, Infographics, Parents, Therapists Katherine Milani

Child Therapy FAQ

Find answers to common questions about child therapy like: What is a child therapist? How do I find a pediatric psychotherapist near me? How do I afford therapy for my child? Would my child benefit from therapy? Will my child be labeled with a diagnosis? How do I support therapeutic progress?

Empower parents and caregivers to make informed decisions about their child's mental health care.

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