Sensory Processing Disorders

Sensory Processing Disorders

Children with sensory issues may struggle with textures, loud noises, crowds, food preferences, etc. These sensitivities are often seen in children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but they can also appear in otherwise typically developing children. Understanding and supporting a child’s unique sensory needs can help them feel more comfortable and engaged in their environment. Read on for more information and free printable resources.

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Parenting Styles: Explained

Parenting Styles: Explained

Parenting styles are often categorized into four main types based on the work of psychologist Diana Baumrind: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and disengaged. These styles reflect different approaches to parenting and have varying impacts on a child's development. Read on to learn about the different styles and print our free Parenting Styles Infographic.

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Quiet Coping Skills

Quiet Coping Skills

Quiet Coping Skills are subtle but effective ways to privately regulate emotions without attracting scrutiny from others. These techniques aim to interrupt overwhelming feelings by focusing on specific physical tasks and simple mantras.

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Childhood Perfectionism

Childhood Perfectionism

A perfectionist aims for the ideal version of a pursuit and has disproportionate feelings of disappointment if they fail to reach their goal. Perfectionism can have many roots, but it is generally tied to a person’s perception of their self-worth.

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How to Raise a Resilient Kid
Infographics, Parents Katherine Milani Infographics, Parents Katherine Milani

How to Raise a Resilient Kid

Resilience is a dynamic skill set that empowers kids to adapt, learn, and thrive through life’s journey. By nurturing a growth mindset, parents, educators, clinicians, and caregivers can support self-efficacy, problem-solving skills, and optimism in kids so that they can grow and persevere through setbacks.

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6 Types of Child Therapy
Child Therapy, Infographics Katherine Milani Child Therapy, Infographics Katherine Milani

6 Types of Child Therapy

Understanding what type of therapy is best for your child can be overwhelming. This comprehensible post breaks down 6 common modalities used by child therapists: play therapy, family therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Once you understand what might be the best fit for you child, you can search for an appropriate licensed child therapist near you!

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Child Therapy FAQ
Child Therapy, Infographics, Parents, Therapists Katherine Milani Child Therapy, Infographics, Parents, Therapists Katherine Milani

Child Therapy FAQ

Find answers to common questions about child therapy like: What is a child therapist? How do I find a pediatric psychotherapist near me? How do I afford therapy for my child? Would my child benefit from therapy? Will my child be labeled with a diagnosis? How do I support therapeutic progress?

Empower parents and caregivers to make informed decisions about their child's mental health care.

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