Quiet Coping Skills
Discreet ways to manage overwhelming feelings at school, work, or anywhere.
When to Use Quiet Coping Skills
Implement coping skills at the first sign of dysregulation. This takes practice! Start here:
Identify Triggers: Reflect on past feelings and behaviors and try to identify specific situations, events, or interactions that consistently give rise to dysregulated feelings. If possible, consider realistic ways to modify environments, adjust routines, or adapt to uncomfortable situations. Avoiding or minimizing triggers is not always possible though, which is why coping skills are important!
Recognize Signs: Reflect on past feelings and behaviors and try to identify physical signs associated with dysregulation. Some common signs of impending dysregulation include: increased heart rate, tense muscles, shallow breathing, racing thoughts, a sense of panic, and difficulty concentrating. When signs are recognized early, there is an opportunity to intervene before rational thinking is disengaged.
Acknowledge Feelings: Reflect on past feelings and behaviors and acknowledge emotional dysregulation without judgment. This builds the self-empathy and resilience required to change ingrained destructive behaviors and unhealthy thought patterns.
Mindfulness practice can help kids learn how to recenter themselves in times of upset. Try our free mindfulness activities and explore our selected children’s books about mindfulness.
Recommended Materials to Promote Self-Regulation:
Coping skills for children. (n.d.). St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. https://www.stjude.org/treatment/services/clinics-and-services/child-life/for-parents/children-coping-skills.html
Pediatric Coping Skills | Children’s Hospital Colorado. (n.d.). https://www.childrenscolorado.org/doctors-and-departments/departments/psych/mental-health-professional-resources/primary-care-articles/pediatric-coping-skills/
Promoting coping skills (News). (n.d.). Better Kid Care. https://extension.psu.edu/programs/betterkidcare/news/promoting-coping-skills
Unknown. (n.d.). 99 HEALTHY COPING SKILLS. https://www.akronchildrens.org/files/1236652/file/ach-99-healthy-coping-skills.pdf