10 Hands-On Therapeutic Activities for Kids

10 Hands-On Therapeutic Activities for Kids

From a therapeutic perspective, interventions that utilize hand-on learning techniques can lead to increased interest, motivation, engagement, and progress! Here we have collected 10 of our favorite hands-on therapeutic activities to help kids develop emotional literacy, build self-esteem, practice coping skills, manage behavior, and recognize values.

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6 Types of Child Therapy
Child Therapy, Infographics Katherine Milani Child Therapy, Infographics Katherine Milani

6 Types of Child Therapy

Understanding what type of therapy is best for your child can be overwhelming. This comprehensible post breaks down 6 common modalities used by child therapists: play therapy, family therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Once you understand what might be the best fit for you child, you can search for an appropriate licensed child therapist near you!

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