3 Empathy-Building Activities for Kids

3 Empathy-Building Activities for Kids

By regularly practicing empathy, children learn to recognize unique perspectives and exercise compassion for themselves and others. Empathy allows kids to navigate difficult situations, support others (and themselves) in need, and recover from setbacks. Empathy is a key component of resilience and a growth mindset—learn how to nurture it through 3 simple activities!

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Counseling Games for Kids

Counseling Games for Kids

Cooperative games help kids learn the significance of collaboration, integrity, and respect. Through shared objectives and collective problem-solving, kids build interpersonal skills while exercising ethical conduct and resilience. Read on for tips on how to foster positive sportsmanship through a social-emotional learning lens.

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How to Raise a Resilient Kid
Infographics, Parents Katherine Milani Infographics, Parents Katherine Milani

How to Raise a Resilient Kid

Resilience is a dynamic skill set that empowers kids to adapt, learn, and thrive through life’s journey. By nurturing a growth mindset, parents, educators, clinicians, and caregivers can support self-efficacy, problem-solving skills, and optimism in kids so that they can grow and persevere through setbacks.

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