How to Manage Jealousy
Help kids reframe negative beliefs so they can feel better and do better.
Jealousy can be sparked by comparison, attention, exclusion, or rejection.
By encouraging open conversations about why jealousy happens, we can help children develop empathy for themselves and others. Practicing gratitude, focusing on personal strengths, and learning to celebrate the successes of others can turn jealousy into an opportunity for growth. With the right guidance, jealousy can be understood, managed, and transformed into positive actions.
Try these talking points to help kids explore jealousy:
Let’s think of some scenarios where someone might feel jealous.
Have you ever felt like this?
Is jealousy comfortable, uncomfortable, or “it depends?”
Jealousy is complicated, but we know that that there are some reliable ways to manage it: gratitude, motivation, perspective-taking.
What do you have in your life that you are grateful for?
How can jealous feelings motivate positive change?
How are your jealous feelings affecting your behavior and attitude towards others?
How do you want to handle jealousy in the future?
What is something that makes you feel good?